AUTh Visiting Scholars to IDP

作者: 时间:2013-09-23 点击数:

Prof.Eleftheria Papadimitriou, Prof. Vassilios Karakostas, and the other twoscholars from Department of Geophysics at AUTh (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) paid a visit to IDP (Institute of Disaster Prevention) and the Seismological Centre on July 13,2012, at the invitation of IDP’s president—Prof. Bo Jingshan.

During their visit, the two professors lectured to the teachers and students onFault growth and fault interaction —case studies fromGreeceand worldwideandRenewal Models and Co-seismic Stress Transfer in theCorinthGulfFault System. Jin Xueshen, associate researcher from Hebei Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, and Liu Zhihui, vice president of IDP also attended the symposium.

Visit to theSeismological Centre

At the symposium

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