Windsor Univ. Prof. Giving Academic Lecture

作者: 时间:2013-09-23 点击数:

On October 31, 2012,Prof. An Yunbi from the Odette School of Business atUniversityofWindsorinCanadagave an academic lecture in IDP.

Prof. An lectured onInternational Portfolio Selection Considering Exchange Rate Risk: from the perspective of a behavioral portfolio theory.He detailed the purpose and motivation of studying international portfolio selection, the model and character of optimum behavioral portfolio theory, and the assets allocation of international markets, and analyzed the model empirically. He also interacted with the teachers and students, and responded heartily to their questions after the report.

As one of the “Finance Forum” series of Department of Economic Management, this lecture brings about a better understanding of portfolio theory, and benefits the teachers and students a lot.

Prof. An completed his Ph.D. at Queen’s University inCanada, and taught at the Odette School of Business atUniversityofWindsor. His research interests include corporate finance, portfolio selection and insurance, and risk management, etc.

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