IDP Representatives to 10th MGDA

作者: 时间:2013-09-23 点击数:

The 10th International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia was held from October 3 to 9 in 2012 inJapan. The Symposium, organized byShimaneUniversity(Japan), Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University,KanazawaUniversity(Japan), attracted more than 60 experts, scholars, and engineers from over 10 Asian countries and regions. As one of the co-sponsors,InstituteofDisaster Preventionsent Zhang Yudong (Department of Disaster Prevention Engineering) and Li Ping (Comprehensive Disaster Reduction Institution) to attend the Symposium.

The symposium covered a series of topics, namely: Earthquake related disasters; Volcano related geo-hazards; Heavy rainfall related geo-hazards; Heavy snow related geo-hazards; Ground fissures caused damages; Damage analysis, monitoring system, Countermeasures, risk management, etc. During their visit, the representatives took field trips on Tsunami disaster and landslide, ground fissures triggered by March 11, 2011 Earthquake, Mt. Bandai Volcano-Landslide Center, and Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University. They also communicated extensively in geo-disaster and other relevant areas.

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